- The Design Office, 204 Westiminster St, 3rd Floor, Providence, RI 02903
-; 401-305-
2004 | MFA in Graphic Design, Yale University School of Art |
1995 | BA in Journalism, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
2014–16 | Rhode Island School of Design, Department Head of Graphic Design |
Highlights from 3-year term:
- Researched, scripted and implemented new undergraduate core curriculum;
- Initiated 1-credit workshop format;
- Initiated and led renovations to graduate studio workspace and creation of exhibition/event space;
- Staffed 110 courses/year; Added 15 new electives into curriculum;
- Oversaw NASAD accreditation process for Department;
- Supervised 3 staff members;
- Oversaw hiring of three full-time faculty;
- Garnered press and fostered substantial social media following
Faculty Appointments
2016– | Rhode Island School of Design, Associate Professor |
2012–16 | Rhode Island School of Design, Assistant Professor |
2006–12 | Rhode Island School of Design, Critic |
2011–12 | University of Connecticut, Adjunct Faculty |
Now | The Web & Democracy, Web Programming, Design Studio, Advanced Typography |
Recent | HTML Output, Digital Bits, Call for Proposals, Graduate Typography |
Past | Serendipity in the Digital Library, Data-Driven Design, Graduate Studio 1, Visual Systems, Making Meaning, Relational Design |
Brown/RISD Dual Degree Oversight Committee, RISD Research Committee, Search Committees for Dept. of Furniture, Registrar, RISD Design Director |
Sample text
The Design Office
2007– | Founder and Director of a design-focused work and project space in downtown Providence |
- Co-working space housing 50+ independent practitioners since inception
- Shared working library;
- Post-graduate fellowship program;
- Open-source software projects;
- Public events and workshops;
- Support for member projects & critiques;
- Publisher & distributor of projects;
See website
Custom Flow Solutions
2009–12 | Partner and Designer for company designing automated charts and graphs for media companies including Thomson Reuters and The New York Times |
John Caserta Design
2005–12 | Principal of a solo design practice focusing on information design for new media; Providence, R.I. |
Clients: Rockefeller Foundation, Antenna International, Creative Time, Max Protetch Gallery, Canary Project, American Battle Monuments Commission, Thomson Reuters, Watson Institute at Brown University, The New York Times, Macromedia/Adobe, Visa USA |
Early career
2000–01 | Quokka Sports, Creative Director |
1996–99 | Chicago Tribune, Design Director, Interactive News |
1995–96 | Atlanta Journal-Constitution, News Graphics Staff |
2017 | “Dear Class of 2017.” Design Observer, Read it. |
2017 | “Question the Classroom.” Design & Culture. Vol 4, #1 Abstract. |
2016 | “Kingdoms of God” with L. Widder. Manifest #2 |
2015 | “Which 2016 Candidate Has the Worst Logo?” Politico Magazine |
2015 | “Thesis Book Project.” Design Observer |
2015 | Two browser-based images, Printed Web #3 |
2014 | “Documentary Icons.” Icons and essay for The Noun Project |
2014 | “The iPhone is the new Model-T.” Essay for |
2013 | “Insights per Minute: On Obfuscation,” Design Observer |
2012 | “Can one size fit all?” The Noun Project blog |
2010 | “Instructions,” and “Khmer Rouge.” The Encyclopedia Project. Vol. 2, F–K |
2010 | Ira Rakatansky. with Lynnette Widder, eds. William Stout Publishers |
2009 | “It’s a Jungle Out There: What do Meat Labels Mean?” Meatpaper, Issue Six |
2007 | “Keys.” Tuesday: An Art Project. Issue 1:2 |
2007 | “Pig slaughter, Montenero Val Cocchiara.” Meatpaper, Issue Zero |
2004 | “Black and White, then, Color.” Multi-purpose. Winterhouse Editions |
1999 | “Consistency vs. Variety.” Design. Vol 71 |
1999 | “Online Newspapers.” Design. Vol 70 |
2017 | Texas Standard. “New NBA Team Logo Spurs Critiques.” Michael Marks |
2016 | Eye on Design [AIGA]. “Design in 2016 Should’ve Been…” Madeleine Morley |
2016 | Eye on Design [AIGA]. “How Does RISD Teach Graphic Design…” Katie Chang |
2016 | ECT News Network. “Google’s New Fonts Chip Away at Written Language Barriers” |
2016 | Graphic Magazine. “Notices” and RISD GD part of alumni profile |
2016 | “Physical and digital spaces of daily interaction.” Interview with Jonathan Pierini |
2016 | Associated Press. “Designers weigh in on Rhode Island’s new logo?” Michelle Smith |
2016 | Providence Journal. “Local designers say logo gave wrong message” Mark Patinkin |
2015 | ThinkProgress. “Why Did The ‘Peace For Paris’ Image Go Viral?” |
2015 | Boston Globe. “A slow climb back for Providence” (The Design Office) |
2015 | Through Process. “Episode 25: Go Be Brave: With L. Hitchcock & J. Caserta” |
2015 | Quipsologies. “Modern Pictograms” website |
2014 | Box it up. “Letterboxes” Basheer Graphic Books, Singapore |
2014 | Deskmag. “Coworking in Providence, Rhode Island” Amanda Gray |
2014 | Providence Phoenix. “DesignWeekRI” Philip Eil |
2014 | Type Object. Barbara Brownie. Included “Spatial Typography” and “Letterboxes” |
2014 | Providence Phoenix. “Let’s work together” Philip Eil |
2013 | Bauwelt. Journal Issue 20.13 “Ira Rakatansky” book review |
2012 | Quipsologies. “Locally Made” |
2013 | Providence Phoenix. “Locally Made” Philip Eil |
2013 | Providence Phoenix. “What to do with the Superman building?” Philip Eil |
2013 | Pictos. “Modern Pictograms.” Index Books, Barcelona |
2012 | Downtown Providence. “Independent Design at 204 Westminster” |
2012 | The Next Web. “This new typeface was made just for interface designers” |
2012 | Quipsologies. “Modern Pictograms” |
2012 | Apartment Therapy. “The Design Office’s Vintage Modern Workspace” |
2012 | Rising in the East: Contemporary New Towns in Asia. Newtown Publishers |
2011 | Quipsologies. “Flatfile” |
2011 | Architect’s Newspaper. “Life Drawing” |
2011 | Quipsologies. “Fall Leaves” |
2011 | GoLocalProv. “The Design Office: RI’s Creative Collaborative” |
2010 | Apartment Therapy. “Rakatansky’s Mid-Century Modern Masterpiece” |
2010 | Architecture Research Quarterly. “Books Received” |
2010 | Apartment Therapy. “New Book, Ira Rakatansky” |
2010 | ReadyMade online. “As Modern As Tomorrow” |
2010 | 3D Typography. Mark Batty Publisher. “Letterboxes” |
2010 | idN Magazine. Eco-Graphics Issue. “Letterboxes” |
2010 | Providence Journal. “Still Modern at 90” |
2010 | San Francisco Chronicle. “Providential Find” |
2009 | Apartment Therapy. “Letterboxes by The Design Office” |
2009 | Coudal Partners Blog. “Case Study: John Caserta” |
2008 | Providence Business News. “R.I. artist Recognized for Map of WWII invasion” |
2008 | Providence Business News. “Design Community is Growing in Ocean State” |
2003 | Digit. “Smart Art” |
2002 | Macromedia Showcase: Flash Interface Design. Macromedia Press |
2002 | eDesign. “XML in Flash” |
2001 | Communication Arts online. “Quokka Sports Network, Nothing But Net” |
2001 | Color Harmony for the Web. Rockport Publishers |
1997 | Redesigning Print for the Web. Hayden Books |
Public Lectures / Panels / Juries
2017 | Design × RI, 2017 Design Hall of Fame Award, juror |
2016 | Rhode Island Art & Design Film Festival, Interview with director of The Happy Film |
2016 | NCMPR (Comm College Marketing/PR) Dist. 1 Keynote: “Growing in all directions” |
2016 | Providence Public Library, D.B. Updike Prize, juror |
2016 | AIGA NY, “Designing the Future of Design Education” panel |
2016 | “Make it Yours” lecture with Design Office members, R.I. Commerce Corporation |
2015,16 | National Screening Committee, Design, Fulbright-Hays Program, U.S. Dept. of State |
2015 | AIGA Biannual Design Conference, “Browser to Book” lecture & panel |
2015 | University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, lecture of recent work |
2015 | University of Delaware, Visiting Designers lecture |
2015 | RISD, “Artisan-Toolmaker” panel |
2015 | California College of the Arts, “Browser as Tool” lecture |
2014 | DesignWeekRI, “Organizational Systems” lecture and panel |
2014 | RISD Museum, “Critical Encounters: Design & Education” panel. Moderator |
2013 | Brown University Library Digital Scholarship Lecture Series, “Data-Driven Design Systems for the Web” |
2013 | AIGA Rhode Island, “Making of Modern Pictograms” lecture |
2013 | RISD “Intersection of Design and Manufacturing” panel |
2013 | RISD Museum, “Pedagogies Past/Present/Future” panel |
2013 | Michigan State University, “Visiting Scholars Lecture Series” |
2012 | RISD Research Colloquium, “Teaching Digital” lecture |
2012 | WordCamp Providence, “Wordpress for Teachers” lecture |
2012 | RISD Museum of Art, “Designers on Design” lecture |
2012 | Harvard GSD, “GSD Talks: Ira Rakatansky” panel |
2011 | A Better World by Design. Moderator, “Graphics that Inspire” panel |
2011 | Design Innovation Grant, RI State Council for the Arts. Judge |
2011 | Pecha Kucha, Providence. “Office Furniture” |
2010 | RISD Alumni Lecture Series with Ira Rakatansky |
2010 | Providence Preservation Society. “20th Century Buildings of Providence” panel |
2010 | Queens College, CUNY. “Vernacular Architecture of the Alto Molise” |
2010 | Pecha Kucha, Providence. “Favorite Photographs of Ira Rakatansky Buildings” |
2005 | Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University. “Works in Progress” |
2004 | The American Press Institute. Panelist, “Assessing Online Story Design” |
2003 | AltPick Awards. The Alternative Pick’s Awards for New Media Design. Judge |
2002–04 | SNDies. Society for News Design’s monthly and annual competition. Judge |
2001,02 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Speaker, “Multimedia Bootcamp” |
1999 | University of California, Berkeley. Panelist, “Online Journalism” |
1998 | The Poynter Institute. Speaker, “Visual Edge” photography conference |
1997,98 | Society for News Design’s annual conference. Speaker and panelist |
1997 | AIGA Biannual Design Conference. “The Future of News” lecture & panel |
1994–97 | NPPA Electronic Photojournalism Workshop |